Hello Riders and Parents,
At this point in time, our Spring Break Camps are going ahead as planned for the weeks of March 16-20, 2020, and March 23-27, 2020.
The Cycling Co. takes your child’s health, safety and well-being very seriously. The spread of Covid-19 is a serious concern, and we are committed to taking steps to keep your young rider safe during our spring break programs.
With the nature of our camps, kids will be in small groups (no more than 6-8 riders), outdoors, and separated by a reasonable distance.
If your child is exhibiting ANY symptoms of a cold, flu or upper respiratory tract infection, it is imperative that you keep them home from camp in order to limit the spread of the Covid-19 (or any) virus that may compromise others’ immune systems. For everyone’s safety, any riders who present symptoms we deem as suspect will be sent home.
Also, please remind your child to eat ONLY their own snacks/lunch (no trading or sharing foods during this delicate time) and to drink ONLY from their own water bottle or hydration pack. Please also remind your child to wash their hands with soap (minimum 20 seconds) or use hand sanitizer before and after they eat, and after they use the washroom.
During our camps, high fives and fist bumps will be replaced by elbow bumps. Our coaches will reinforce this message consistently during your child’s camp.
Should a time come when we feel there is a significant increase in risk, we will reassess the status of our camps and inform all parents immediately of any changes.
It is our goal to provide your child with a safe and fun learning environment. If you have any concerns, please inform us immediately so they can be addressed to make your and your child’s experience with The Cycling Co. a positive one.
Adam Walker
& The Cycling Co.Team